Tuesday 24 May 2011

I'm not leaving 'till...

So, this is the life of an average teenage girl from Staffordshire. I'm far from perfect, but I try my hardest to be good.
Speaking of which, I did an empathy test today. The average score for women is 43. Out of a possible 80 points, I scored 70. Now this is scary. I am very over-empathetic it seems. I'm not really sure if that's a good thing or not, but I will take it as a positive. It does explain why I cry so much at films and television programs, whilst everyone stares at me and says "Liz, it hasnt even started yet, this is just the title sequence."
Well, what can I say, I guess I'm just a kind and caring person (haha). Except if you are my best friend, then I'm merciless ;)
I'll probably be ranting quite a bit. Sorry, by the way, for having to read my internal ramblings, and I do congratulate you for still being here. Here goes.
Here is my first rant: I hate reputations.
 All reputations, whether they are good or bad ones, because they do not define a person, but society seems to think that they do. For example, teenagers have a very bad reputation for being anti-social, vandalistic (is that even a word?) and rude. This is wrong. I'm not anti social, vandalistic (I'm pretty sure it's not a word) or rude. Secondly, I personally have a reputation for being the 'good girl'. Now, I'm not bad, not at all, but my reputation is such that people appologise if they swear in front of me, and assume that I am one of those girls that just sits at home every night, studying. I really don't mind people swearing, as long as it's not every other word, it's just expression. I am definately not one of those girls. If I was, I wouldn't be blogging now, I would be doing my work, like I should be...
Reputations are stupid. If you want to know what a person is like, get to know them, don't just assume they are what their reputation expects them to be.

Did you read that? I highly congratulate you. I promise, not all my posts will be rants about the flaws of society. Maybe I'll create another blog for that, a political blog. Belive me, I could write for hours on that. If I'd have really wanted to bore you to death, I could have written a lot more on the subject.
Ok, I can actually feel you nodding off now. Do not worry. Here is something more interesting (well, it is for me, anyway)-
I'M GONG TO SEE THE KINGS OF LEON ON MONDAY! I am so excited! I will blog about it after, and hopefully upload some pictures as well. It's ridiculous how excited I am, not least because by Monday, I will have officially finished school! Yes, I leave on Friday. Tears all round then. As usual, apparently, with me, becuase I'm so over- empathetic. No, I probably won't cry that much, because I am so ready to leave school! Of course I will miss everyone so much, but I'm going to be starting college in September, and we have a huuuuuge break between, so I will get to do all the things I never got round to doing in the last few years. That is, if I can get the funds. It's hard for an teenage girl to get around and do things when she has no money.
Oh well, things are looking up, I have the whole summer ahead of me, I have my birthday, prom and a whole load of gigs and shows to look forward to, so I am happy!
By the way, the title of my blog is the name of an album by The Gentlemen. You should check them out, they are very good, and a bit unusual, but in an awesome way, like me. :P
Lots of love, and keep smiling,
Lizzie x

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