Thursday 2 June 2011

Oh My Dear Sweet Pumpkin Seeds! Look at Her Spine!

First of all, if you didn't read the title in a southern American (like an Okie (from Oklahoma)) accent, you read it wrong, go back and do it again. If you did, then congratulations, your brain works on the same wavelength as mine (unless that is your actual accent anyway) and you are officially awesome! Hooray!

I have been told many times, and particularly recently (hence me writing this) that my spine is very sticky- outy. Now, I understand that, and I accept it, but it's not generally appreciated when someone says-
"Lizzie, bend forward, let me look. Eww, that's gross! It's all knobbly! Let me feel it. *feels spine* Oh, that's so creepy!"
Especially when there's multiple people crowding around you, trying to get a better view of the infamous "weird sticky out spine."
Personally, I don't think it's that bad. But obviously, I know nothing. I can't even see my spine, so they must be right. I'm going to have to spend the rest of my days hiding behind high- backed tops and never show my spine to the world.
Except, I'll show you. Because I'm nice that way.                                                   

It's not that bad is it? By the way, this picture wasn't taken to show off my amazingly freakish spine, but my tan lines.Well, to the best of my knowledge it is... maybe my friend actually took it to show me just how sticky outy it really is, whilst pretending it was because I had tan lines. I mean, what's more noticeable in the photo? Well, I guess my spine, because you were already looking for that. But anyway, the point is, it's not that bad.
But I could just have been having a 'good spine day' that day. I guess I'll never know...

It doesn't matter, because I'm going to face the world (or turn my back to it, in this case) and be proud of the weird line of nobbles running down my back. In fact, I think I'm going to get somebody to draw faces on each individual vertebrae, so they can be free to be individuals and not feel like such freaks all the time. It may, however, make me more of a freak, but I am willing to make that sacrifice for my super special spine. I LOVE YOU VERTEBRA!

Love you guys, and remember, if you ever see someone with a weird spine, think of me and smile, because you should always
Keep Smiling! :)


  1. can i draw the faces? :D

  2. oh deary me... no, you cannot draw faces on my spine. <3

  3. On second thoughts... go on then, I'll let you, just because I woof you ;) xx
