Wednesday, 14 December 2011
Monday, 21 November 2011
Wow. I should really post...
I forgot blogger existed, I'm ashamed. D'x
I'm back now :D
The last time I blogged was when I was in America, so that will have been... 3 months ago? Oh deary me. What a lot to catch up on.
I just read through my last post, gosh, can I bore people. It should be a sport, because then I'd finally be able to win a sport hands down. I just rambled about my holiday! Sure, it was interesting for me, but why the hell would anyone else care that I went to Sea World? Though I must say, it was pretty awesome...
Stop it brain! Stop habitually boring people to death with mundane chatter!
So... if I'm right, which I am, I hadn't started college when I last posted. Hahahahahaha. It's so weird, it feels like I've been there forever. Literally, when I'm in there, it's like time itself stops.
I'm being dramatic. It's good! I like college. Well. I say like. It's not like Disney Land. It would be good if it was though! Imagine, you're on the top floor, and instead of taking the stairs, a roller-coaster whooshes you around college between classes. Awesome idea, no? I think that'll be my mission in life: to start up the world's first Disney- themed college. Though, there's probably one somewhere in America. There's everything you could ever think of that probably shouldn't exist over there.
This was a really pointless post. But oh well, sheep's socks.
Keep Smiling! :)
I forgot blogger existed, I'm ashamed. D'x
I'm back now :D
The last time I blogged was when I was in America, so that will have been... 3 months ago? Oh deary me. What a lot to catch up on.
I just read through my last post, gosh, can I bore people. It should be a sport, because then I'd finally be able to win a sport hands down. I just rambled about my holiday! Sure, it was interesting for me, but why the hell would anyone else care that I went to Sea World? Though I must say, it was pretty awesome...
Stop it brain! Stop habitually boring people to death with mundane chatter!
So... if I'm right, which I am, I hadn't started college when I last posted. Hahahahahaha. It's so weird, it feels like I've been there forever. Literally, when I'm in there, it's like time itself stops.
I'm being dramatic. It's good! I like college. Well. I say like. It's not like Disney Land. It would be good if it was though! Imagine, you're on the top floor, and instead of taking the stairs, a roller-coaster whooshes you around college between classes. Awesome idea, no? I think that'll be my mission in life: to start up the world's first Disney- themed college. Though, there's probably one somewhere in America. There's everything you could ever think of that probably shouldn't exist over there.
This was a really pointless post. But oh well, sheep's socks.
Keep Smiling! :)
Thursday, 4 August 2011
Oh my, the excitement of it all!
I've been meaning to write for a few days now, but this is the first time I've had the Internet free in 5 days. I'll explain why later.
So, I'm in America at the moment on my 'vacation'. I must say, I haven't been this happy in a long time.
This is what's happened so far-
1. I went to 'the wizarding world of Harry potter' in islands of adventure at universal studios, which just blew my mind. It was like actually being in hogsmead ( except some of the diagon alley shops were there too), and the castle was just gorgeous! The simulator type ride in the castle, 'the forbidden journey', was awesome, and I screamed just a little bit when Draco came on. ;) I got some slytherin themed stuff, like a lanyard that looked like the slytherin tie to use for college. :)
The rest of islands of adventure was awesome too, like the Hulk ride, but being a true potter head, no other place could really compete. ;)
2. Pool day, it was soooooooo hot, it's almost too hot really. It's over 100 degrees in the middle of the day!
3. AWESOME DAY. I went to sea world for the day, went on the kracken (which was awesome and massive) and watched the shows. It was really good, but I was really sweaty. :P I went to see Blue Man Group in the evening, which was really clever, so funny, and slightly terrifying. They kept going in the audience and picking people out to do stuff. They didn't talk at all, so they were really scary and stare-y. At one point, the lights went out, and I could see the guy's eyes in the dark. He was right in front of us!
After all that, we went out for tea. It was then my parents told me I was going back to sea world the next day to spend the day with a marine biologist learning about the job. This was soooooooo exciting, because my dream job is to be a marine biologist at sea world. :D
4. I got up at 5:30 to go to sea world for 6:30. The only other person with me was an English girl the same a age as me, so that was fun, we got along well. The day was just INCREDIBLE. I'm going to go through what we did-
a. Counting out the food for the otter pans and watching a baby manatee be fed.
b. Feeding shrimp to the otters (they just took it out of our fingers with their little tiny paws, so cute!)
c. Feeding 6 crates of lettuce to four hungry manatees.
d. Putting on wetsuits and going to play with the dolphins, doing tricks with them and entertaining them with toys.
e. Going to wild arctic to play with the beluga whales, getting a kiss and a high ten off one.
f. Feeding two crates of spinach to the manatees for their morning snack.
g. Meeting some seals, playing with and feeding them.
(I'm assuming you're starting to gather that we played with and fed a lot of animals)
h. Taking off the wet suits and going to the dolphin nursery. We had just got dry when one of the dolphins thought it would be funny to splash us- a lot. xD
g. Going to meet some sea lions and feeding some seals.
h. Going to the main sea lion enclosure to feed them.
i. Going to watch the polar bears in a private viewing room.
j. Meeting some ENORMOUS walruses and Playing with them, including getting a kiss on the hand from one.
We got picked up after that, but as you can probably tell, we had a pretty awesome day. :)
5. We went to Universal Studios and went on the big rides. It was good, but it was so hot we had to leave. We went shopping for a couple of hours.
6. We went to Epcot and spent most of the day inside, because it was just so hot. Luckily, some of the best things at Epcot are inside. I FINALLY got on to pottermore.
POTTERMORE- the reason for constant stress and taking up the Internet so I cannot blog.
On 31st July, 7 chances to enter early started. I missed the first three days because they were too early in the morning for us American people (i know, I'm not American, but I'm in America, so I'm on American time). The fourth day I missed it because I was out, so I was determined to get it on the fifth. I spent the whole day checking for free wifi. Eventually, and luckily, because my dad works for IBM, and we were in a zone sponsored by IBM, so my dad got onto the IBM wifi that was there, and by sheer fluke I checked onto the site just as the site was posting the clue. I knew the answer, so I was able to get through to the registration. I was in such a flustered as I was doing it! Im so impatient now to get my welcome email, it could be ages yet. :/ but at least I got on, only 1,00,000 people in the whole world get in early, and I'm one of them!
so, Im having quite an exciting time this week, and I'll post again to let you know what I'm doing.
Sorry if this has bored you, but I find it interesting, so you WILL find it interesting too ;P
Keep smiling! Xx
So, I'm in America at the moment on my 'vacation'. I must say, I haven't been this happy in a long time.
This is what's happened so far-
1. I went to 'the wizarding world of Harry potter' in islands of adventure at universal studios, which just blew my mind. It was like actually being in hogsmead ( except some of the diagon alley shops were there too), and the castle was just gorgeous! The simulator type ride in the castle, 'the forbidden journey', was awesome, and I screamed just a little bit when Draco came on. ;) I got some slytherin themed stuff, like a lanyard that looked like the slytherin tie to use for college. :)
The rest of islands of adventure was awesome too, like the Hulk ride, but being a true potter head, no other place could really compete. ;)
2. Pool day, it was soooooooo hot, it's almost too hot really. It's over 100 degrees in the middle of the day!
3. AWESOME DAY. I went to sea world for the day, went on the kracken (which was awesome and massive) and watched the shows. It was really good, but I was really sweaty. :P I went to see Blue Man Group in the evening, which was really clever, so funny, and slightly terrifying. They kept going in the audience and picking people out to do stuff. They didn't talk at all, so they were really scary and stare-y. At one point, the lights went out, and I could see the guy's eyes in the dark. He was right in front of us!
After all that, we went out for tea. It was then my parents told me I was going back to sea world the next day to spend the day with a marine biologist learning about the job. This was soooooooo exciting, because my dream job is to be a marine biologist at sea world. :D
4. I got up at 5:30 to go to sea world for 6:30. The only other person with me was an English girl the same a age as me, so that was fun, we got along well. The day was just INCREDIBLE. I'm going to go through what we did-
a. Counting out the food for the otter pans and watching a baby manatee be fed.
b. Feeding shrimp to the otters (they just took it out of our fingers with their little tiny paws, so cute!)
c. Feeding 6 crates of lettuce to four hungry manatees.
d. Putting on wetsuits and going to play with the dolphins, doing tricks with them and entertaining them with toys.
e. Going to wild arctic to play with the beluga whales, getting a kiss and a high ten off one.
f. Feeding two crates of spinach to the manatees for their morning snack.
g. Meeting some seals, playing with and feeding them.
(I'm assuming you're starting to gather that we played with and fed a lot of animals)
h. Taking off the wet suits and going to the dolphin nursery. We had just got dry when one of the dolphins thought it would be funny to splash us- a lot. xD
g. Going to meet some sea lions and feeding some seals.
h. Going to the main sea lion enclosure to feed them.
i. Going to watch the polar bears in a private viewing room.
j. Meeting some ENORMOUS walruses and Playing with them, including getting a kiss on the hand from one.
We got picked up after that, but as you can probably tell, we had a pretty awesome day. :)
5. We went to Universal Studios and went on the big rides. It was good, but it was so hot we had to leave. We went shopping for a couple of hours.
6. We went to Epcot and spent most of the day inside, because it was just so hot. Luckily, some of the best things at Epcot are inside. I FINALLY got on to pottermore.
POTTERMORE- the reason for constant stress and taking up the Internet so I cannot blog.
On 31st July, 7 chances to enter early started. I missed the first three days because they were too early in the morning for us American people (i know, I'm not American, but I'm in America, so I'm on American time). The fourth day I missed it because I was out, so I was determined to get it on the fifth. I spent the whole day checking for free wifi. Eventually, and luckily, because my dad works for IBM, and we were in a zone sponsored by IBM, so my dad got onto the IBM wifi that was there, and by sheer fluke I checked onto the site just as the site was posting the clue. I knew the answer, so I was able to get through to the registration. I was in such a flustered as I was doing it! Im so impatient now to get my welcome email, it could be ages yet. :/ but at least I got on, only 1,00,000 people in the whole world get in early, and I'm one of them!
so, Im having quite an exciting time this week, and I'll post again to let you know what I'm doing.
Sorry if this has bored you, but I find it interesting, so you WILL find it interesting too ;P
Keep smiling! Xx
Wednesday, 15 June 2011
"Friends are like penguins. If you throw polar bears at them, they die."
"Friends are like penguins. If you throw polar bears at them, they die."
Funniest thing I've heard all day. Rivalled only by- ""IT'S THE CIIIIIIRCLEE, THE CIRCLE OF LIFE!" Nan, please, put the cat down." xD
So, to compliment my funniest quote, here are some pictures of penguins and polar bears. I hope you enjoy them ( I know you will).
Keep Smiling! xx
Funniest thing I've heard all day. Rivalled only by- ""IT'S THE CIIIIIIRCLEE, THE CIRCLE OF LIFE!" Nan, please, put the cat down." xD
So, to compliment my funniest quote, here are some pictures of penguins and polar bears. I hope you enjoy them ( I know you will).
Keep Smiling! xx
Sunday, 5 June 2011
As you can (hopefully) see, I have downloaded a couple of new fonts, the most awesomererest of which is the M&Ms one. I spent a LOT of time editing the colours, I did them all painstakingly by hand. That is, until I realised that if you paint a computer screen, the colours do not transfer onto the things on the screen. So, after a lot of crying and scrubbing, scrubbing and crying, I edited the colours digitally. It still took AAAAGES though.
I didn't know the colours of M&Ms off by heart, so, me being of the awesome coolness variety that I am, I toodled off to the official M&M website to see what colours they used on the website, and guessed the colours from there. How accurate was I? I don't know why I'm even asking, nobody ever comments on my posts... oh well.
As long as somebody sees the awesomeness of the new font, I will be happy.
Another font I have downloaded is now the title of my blog, the black and white one with the pencil smudges. Do you like it? Do ya? Do ya? DO YA? (I'm a total Finding Nemo loser).
I think it's pretty. But that's just my opinion. I'd ask what yours was, but it would be too awkward when you just sat there staring at me through the screen, not answering.
So, as you are still staring at me with a blank face, I'll assume you have no opinion. Well, that's fine. Mine's better anyway.
SO THERE! NYAA! wow, I'm childish.
Keep Smiling!
![]() |
My M&Ms are Awesome! |
As long as somebody sees the awesomeness of the new font, I will be happy.
Another font I have downloaded is now the title of my blog, the black and white one with the pencil smudges. Do you like it? Do ya? Do ya? DO YA? (I'm a total Finding Nemo loser).
I think it's pretty. But that's just my opinion. I'd ask what yours was, but it would be too awkward when you just sat there staring at me through the screen, not answering.
So, as you are still staring at me with a blank face, I'll assume you have no opinion. Well, that's fine. Mine's better anyway.
SO THERE! NYAA! wow, I'm childish.
Keep Smiling!
Thursday, 2 June 2011
Oh My Dear Sweet Pumpkin Seeds! Look at Her Spine!
First of all, if you didn't read the title in a southern American (like an Okie (from Oklahoma)) accent, you read it wrong, go back and do it again. If you did, then congratulations, your brain works on the same wavelength as mine (unless that is your actual accent anyway) and you are officially awesome! Hooray!
I have been told many times, and particularly recently (hence me writing this) that my spine is very sticky- outy. Now, I understand that, and I accept it, but it's not generally appreciated when someone says-
"Lizzie, bend forward, let me look. Eww, that's gross! It's all knobbly! Let me feel it. *feels spine* Oh, that's so creepy!"
Especially when there's multiple people crowding around you, trying to get a better view of the infamous "weird sticky out spine."
I have been told many times, and particularly recently (hence me writing this) that my spine is very sticky- outy. Now, I understand that, and I accept it, but it's not generally appreciated when someone says-
"Lizzie, bend forward, let me look. Eww, that's gross! It's all knobbly! Let me feel it. *feels spine* Oh, that's so creepy!"
Especially when there's multiple people crowding around you, trying to get a better view of the infamous "weird sticky out spine."
Personally, I don't think it's that bad. But obviously, I know nothing. I can't even see my spine, so they must be right. I'm going to have to spend the rest of my days hiding behind high- backed tops and never show my spine to the world.
Except, I'll show you. Because I'm nice that way.
It's not that bad is it? By the way, this picture wasn't taken to show off my amazingly freakish spine, but my tan lines.Well, to the best of my knowledge it is... maybe my friend actually took it to show me just how sticky outy it really is, whilst pretending it was because I had tan lines. I mean, what's more noticeable in the photo? Well, I guess my spine, because you were already looking for that. But anyway, the point is, it's not that bad.
But I could just have been having a 'good spine day' that day. I guess I'll never know...
It doesn't matter, because I'm going to face the world (or turn my back to it, in this case) and be proud of the weird line of nobbles running down my back. In fact, I think I'm going to get somebody to draw faces on each individual vertebrae, so they can be free to be individuals and not feel like such freaks all the time. It may, however, make me more of a freak, but I am willing to make that sacrifice for my super special spine. I LOVE YOU VERTEBRA!
Love you guys, and remember, if you ever see someone with a weird spine, think of me and smile, because you should always
Keep Smiling! :)
Tuesday, 31 May 2011
Kings of Leon
I'm Back!
I bet you're relieved. Thought you'd lost me?
Well, no, you wouldn't, becuase I told you where I was going in my last post.
Anyway, I've been to see the Kings of Leon!
But brrrrrrrr, was it cold. I was freezing my antennae off! Well, I don't really have antennae. (they froze off at the gig.)
They were awesome though! They sound the same live as they do recorded! Such quality. It was funny, we were so far back, the people clapping at the front looked like they were clapping out of time, because there was a delay from the music being played and us hearing it at the back. Wierd. Cool though.
So, now I have a week of revision, but the day after my last exam (next tuesday) I am going to see Take That! I know what you're thinking- "golly gosh, she sure goes to see a lot of shows/gigs/concerts!" but it's just a coincidence that the two gigs are a week apart. However, I've seen/ will see a lot more shows/gigs/concerts this year than I usually do. It's an awesome year to be honest!
This is my list of shows/gigs/concerts this year (they're not in order, because I can't remember them all in what order I saw/will see them)-
You see, I missed Romeo and Juliet off when I posted this, silly girl. Well, I've added it now.
As you can see, I have a wierd range of tastes. Haha, my music tastes are even weirder.
Anyway guys, I'm going to have to stop writing now, because I need to start revising. FUN TIME!
I'm kidding, I hate revision.
Love you guys,
Keep Smiling!
I bet you're relieved. Thought you'd lost me?
Well, no, you wouldn't, becuase I told you where I was going in my last post.
Anyway, I've been to see the Kings of Leon!
But brrrrrrrr, was it cold. I was freezing my antennae off! Well, I don't really have antennae. (they froze off at the gig.)
They were awesome though! They sound the same live as they do recorded! Such quality. It was funny, we were so far back, the people clapping at the front looked like they were clapping out of time, because there was a delay from the music being played and us hearing it at the back. Wierd. Cool though.
So, now I have a week of revision, but the day after my last exam (next tuesday) I am going to see Take That! I know what you're thinking- "golly gosh, she sure goes to see a lot of shows/gigs/concerts!" but it's just a coincidence that the two gigs are a week apart. However, I've seen/ will see a lot more shows/gigs/concerts this year than I usually do. It's an awesome year to be honest!
This is my list of shows/gigs/concerts this year (they're not in order, because I can't remember them all in what order I saw/will see them)-
- Wicked
- Blood Brothers
- Kings of Leon
- Take That
- Blue Man Group
- Peter Kay
- Les Miserables (possibly)
- Flawless
- Romeo & Juliet (by the RSC at Stratford)
You see, I missed Romeo and Juliet off when I posted this, silly girl. Well, I've added it now.
As you can see, I have a wierd range of tastes. Haha, my music tastes are even weirder.
Anyway guys, I'm going to have to stop writing now, because I need to start revising. FUN TIME!
I'm kidding, I hate revision.
Love you guys,
Keep Smiling!
Sunday, 29 May 2011
Going Away
So, in a minute, I'll be heading off to coventry. You know why? Becuase tomorrow, I'M GOING TO SEE THE KINGS OF LEON! I'm sooooo exctied, it's unbelievable!
So, in my life this week, I've had four exams, spanish listening, english lit, spanish reading and law. On Friday, (the same day as my law exam), I left school officially! It was an awesome day (apart from the exam, obviously) and I only cried twice. :P
I've only got one exam left now, but that's science, so it's a week of revision for me! Woop! :/
Aww, on Friday, (cue annoying song), my friends got me a huge birthday card signed by everybody. It was so sweet! That was one of the two instances that I cried. :P It wasnt just me with a big card, everyone whose birthday is after we left (i.e- after last Friday) got a card. I forgot to mention, its not my birthday for a few weeks yet. :P I'm really looking forward to my birthday, I'm going out for a meal with my friends. To be honest though, I'm mostly excited about wearing the dress I plan to wear. xD It's lovely, all red and drapey. Once again, I'm using words that are not words. Oh well, I like making up words. And phrases. Once, I came up with the phrase "stripey rainbox in the mirror." Now, I have absolutely no idea what that means, but thats just the kind of randomness that I am. It's worrying, becuase I'm not the weirdest person in my group of friends! We're very disfuncional, but that's why we work.
Anyway, I'm off now, I'll tell you about the gig when I get back. So Tuesday, probably. :)
Love you guys, and remember,
Keep Smiling!
So, in my life this week, I've had four exams, spanish listening, english lit, spanish reading and law. On Friday, (the same day as my law exam), I left school officially! It was an awesome day (apart from the exam, obviously) and I only cried twice. :P
I've only got one exam left now, but that's science, so it's a week of revision for me! Woop! :/
Aww, on Friday, (cue annoying song), my friends got me a huge birthday card signed by everybody. It was so sweet! That was one of the two instances that I cried. :P It wasnt just me with a big card, everyone whose birthday is after we left (i.e- after last Friday) got a card. I forgot to mention, its not my birthday for a few weeks yet. :P I'm really looking forward to my birthday, I'm going out for a meal with my friends. To be honest though, I'm mostly excited about wearing the dress I plan to wear. xD It's lovely, all red and drapey. Once again, I'm using words that are not words. Oh well, I like making up words. And phrases. Once, I came up with the phrase "stripey rainbox in the mirror." Now, I have absolutely no idea what that means, but thats just the kind of randomness that I am. It's worrying, becuase I'm not the weirdest person in my group of friends! We're very disfuncional, but that's why we work.
Anyway, I'm off now, I'll tell you about the gig when I get back. So Tuesday, probably. :)
Love you guys, and remember,
Keep Smiling!
Tuesday, 24 May 2011
Ok, so maybe I came across as a bit normal in my first post... believe me, I'm really not. Should I show you my true colours? It might scare you, it's a very garish shade of pink.
You know, I really don't like the colour green. I have no idea why, I have no problem with it in nature, I think it's beautiful, but I just dont like it as an abstract colour. Weird, eh?
You know, I really don't like the colour green. I have no idea why, I have no problem with it in nature, I think it's beautiful, but I just dont like it as an abstract colour. Weird, eh?
I'm not leaving 'till...
So, this is the life of an average teenage girl from Staffordshire. I'm far from perfect, but I try my hardest to be good.
Speaking of which, I did an empathy test today. The average score for women is 43. Out of a possible 80 points, I scored 70. Now this is scary. I am very over-empathetic it seems. I'm not really sure if that's a good thing or not, but I will take it as a positive. It does explain why I cry so much at films and television programs, whilst everyone stares at me and says "Liz, it hasnt even started yet, this is just the title sequence."
Well, what can I say, I guess I'm just a kind and caring person (haha). Except if you are my best friend, then I'm merciless ;)
I'll probably be ranting quite a bit. Sorry, by the way, for having to read my internal ramblings, and I do congratulate you for still being here. Here goes.
Here is my first rant: I hate reputations.
All reputations, whether they are good or bad ones, because they do not define a person, but society seems to think that they do. For example, teenagers have a very bad reputation for being anti-social, vandalistic (is that even a word?) and rude. This is wrong. I'm not anti social, vandalistic (I'm pretty sure it's not a word) or rude. Secondly, I personally have a reputation for being the 'good girl'. Now, I'm not bad, not at all, but my reputation is such that people appologise if they swear in front of me, and assume that I am one of those girls that just sits at home every night, studying. I really don't mind people swearing, as long as it's not every other word, it's just expression. I am definately not one of those girls. If I was, I wouldn't be blogging now, I would be doing my work, like I should be...
Reputations are stupid. If you want to know what a person is like, get to know them, don't just assume they are what their reputation expects them to be.
Did you read that? I highly congratulate you. I promise, not all my posts will be rants about the flaws of society. Maybe I'll create another blog for that, a political blog. Belive me, I could write for hours on that. If I'd have really wanted to bore you to death, I could have written a lot more on the subject.
Ok, I can actually feel you nodding off now. Do not worry. Here is something more interesting (well, it is for me, anyway)-
I'M GONG TO SEE THE KINGS OF LEON ON MONDAY! I am so excited! I will blog about it after, and hopefully upload some pictures as well. It's ridiculous how excited I am, not least because by Monday, I will have officially finished school! Yes, I leave on Friday. Tears all round then. As usual, apparently, with me, becuase I'm so over- empathetic. No, I probably won't cry that much, because I am so ready to leave school! Of course I will miss everyone so much, but I'm going to be starting college in September, and we have a huuuuuge break between, so I will get to do all the things I never got round to doing in the last few years. That is, if I can get the funds. It's hard for an teenage girl to get around and do things when she has no money.
Oh well, things are looking up, I have the whole summer ahead of me, I have my birthday, prom and a whole load of gigs and shows to look forward to, so I am happy!
By the way, the title of my blog is the name of an album by The Gentlemen. You should check them out, they are very good, and a bit unusual, but in an awesome way, like me. :P
Lots of love, and keep smiling,
Lizzie x
So, this is the life of an average teenage girl from Staffordshire. I'm far from perfect, but I try my hardest to be good.
Speaking of which, I did an empathy test today. The average score for women is 43. Out of a possible 80 points, I scored 70. Now this is scary. I am very over-empathetic it seems. I'm not really sure if that's a good thing or not, but I will take it as a positive. It does explain why I cry so much at films and television programs, whilst everyone stares at me and says "Liz, it hasnt even started yet, this is just the title sequence."
Well, what can I say, I guess I'm just a kind and caring person (haha). Except if you are my best friend, then I'm merciless ;)
I'll probably be ranting quite a bit. Sorry, by the way, for having to read my internal ramblings, and I do congratulate you for still being here. Here goes.
Here is my first rant: I hate reputations.
All reputations, whether they are good or bad ones, because they do not define a person, but society seems to think that they do. For example, teenagers have a very bad reputation for being anti-social, vandalistic (is that even a word?) and rude. This is wrong. I'm not anti social, vandalistic (I'm pretty sure it's not a word) or rude. Secondly, I personally have a reputation for being the 'good girl'. Now, I'm not bad, not at all, but my reputation is such that people appologise if they swear in front of me, and assume that I am one of those girls that just sits at home every night, studying. I really don't mind people swearing, as long as it's not every other word, it's just expression. I am definately not one of those girls. If I was, I wouldn't be blogging now, I would be doing my work, like I should be...
Reputations are stupid. If you want to know what a person is like, get to know them, don't just assume they are what their reputation expects them to be.
Did you read that? I highly congratulate you. I promise, not all my posts will be rants about the flaws of society. Maybe I'll create another blog for that, a political blog. Belive me, I could write for hours on that. If I'd have really wanted to bore you to death, I could have written a lot more on the subject.
Ok, I can actually feel you nodding off now. Do not worry. Here is something more interesting (well, it is for me, anyway)-
I'M GONG TO SEE THE KINGS OF LEON ON MONDAY! I am so excited! I will blog about it after, and hopefully upload some pictures as well. It's ridiculous how excited I am, not least because by Monday, I will have officially finished school! Yes, I leave on Friday. Tears all round then. As usual, apparently, with me, becuase I'm so over- empathetic. No, I probably won't cry that much, because I am so ready to leave school! Of course I will miss everyone so much, but I'm going to be starting college in September, and we have a huuuuuge break between, so I will get to do all the things I never got round to doing in the last few years. That is, if I can get the funds. It's hard for an teenage girl to get around and do things when she has no money.
Oh well, things are looking up, I have the whole summer ahead of me, I have my birthday, prom and a whole load of gigs and shows to look forward to, so I am happy!
By the way, the title of my blog is the name of an album by The Gentlemen. You should check them out, they are very good, and a bit unusual, but in an awesome way, like me. :P
Lots of love, and keep smiling,
Lizzie x
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